Stickers Round/Square – 10cm Diameter – LOGO CUSTOM

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Have you thought about making your own promotional stickers for your customers?

  • Coated Paper Grade A with Bright Film Material
  • Waterproof
  • Competitive Price
  • Designers in-house
  • Quick Delivery

Degressive prices for more than 1 model, please contact us: [email protected]


Items: 0

Total: 0.00


500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000

Flat Express Shipping Rate (FEDEX/DHL/UPS)

Receive the Stickers Round/Square - 10cm Diameter - LOGO CUSTOM in no time!

EUROPE: 79.9€ | USA/CANADA: 100€
Delivery Time: 7-12 Days To Your Door




Make your customer happy by giving them stickers for their purchase, and therefore reinforce your brand image.

Those stickers would improve the shopping experience and make you visible!

For each online or physical sell, 98% of the customers appreciate free goodies and will talk about around them.

  • Stickers are precut one by one, easy to give
  • Promotional sticker in paper with coated film (waterproof)
  • Designers will propose you a validation before printing
  • All colors / shapes are possible.

PRICES FOR MORE THAN 1 MODEL ARE DEGRESSIVE ! Please reach us with your wish and we’ll give you exact quotation based on quantity and number of models desired within 4 hours.


Fidéliser vos clients a chaque commande grâce a de petits cadeaux qui renforceront votre image de marque.

Les autocollants custom vous aideront a fidéliser vos clients et amélioreront leurs expériences d’achats.

Pour chaque commande en ligne ou en magasin, 98% des clients apprécient la distribution de goodies et en parleront autour d’eux.

  • Les stickers sont découpés un a un, prêts a être distribues.
  • Stickers en papier, bonne adhérence
  • Nos designers vous proposeront une maquette avant impression
  • Toutes couleurs possibles.
  • Autres formats possibles.

LES PRIX POUR PLUS D’UN MODELE SONT DEGRESSIFS! Merci de nous contacter avec votre besoin exact (nombre de modeles et quantites) et nous reviendrons vers vous avec la cotation en 4 heures.

Additional information


500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000